Nursing School: Level 3, Week 1 Update
9:00:00 AM
Look what time of the year it is!
To say that I'm less than excited to see summer go would be an understatement.
This summer has been incredible! It was full of sunshine, good times, good people, relaxation, new adventures, and so many memories that I will forever cherish. To see all about my summer, click here.
This post is going to be short and sweet - all about the first week back to school and the week leading up to it. Since apparently stressing out is what I'm good at, the week before school I began to panic. About the unknown, about checkoffs, about how I would handle the classes and clinicals... everything. A breakdown even happened. And school hasn't even started! I'm forever thankful to have my mom talk me off of all nursing school ledges. Since she's been in my shoes, she knows exactly what I'm feeling. Blessed.
The first week of school was all about getting accustomed to our new instructors, clinicals, and the madness of our three new classes. We have two check offs this semester: foley catheter and IV insertion. What once was anxiety about clinicals, is now excitement! I have Pediatrics and OB this semester and I couldn't be more excited, with just a tinge of nervousness. We jumped in head first with over 10 chapters to catch up on, and then more to prepare for the next week. Here's to the crazy rollercoaster ride that's called Nursing School.
Hoping for the best semester yet!
xoxo, Bailey