
Happy Mama's Day!!!

10:43:00 PM

Happy Mama's Day to all the wonderful Mamas out there! Maybe I'm biased, but I'm pretty sure I won the lottery with mine and got the greatest one on the planet. You are selfless, you are kind, you are humble, you are giving, you are gracious, you are incredible. Everyone around you is blessed by you and I'm so happy this day is just for you! It just so happens that this year, Mother's Day falls on your birthday as well. I have learned everything I have from you, and I can only hope to be half the woman you are some day. You are my best friend, my twin, my Mama. I love you so much! I can't wait for more adventures to come!

I don't know about your Mamas, but mine would without a doubt like something hand made rather than store bought. I know I know, that's commonly heard with young kids... but y'all I swear. I get tears every time. I always try to incorporate some personal touch with each of her gifts, but this year I wanted to branch out a little bit. [A little background: as a kid I did crafts on the daily. They may not have always looked the best but I enjoyed them, and my mom enjoyed me doing them. In fact, our kitchen table still has a few remnants of my crafting days left on it ;)] SO, with all of that said, I wanted to get crafty this Mother's Day and this was the result. I was SO happy with how it turned out. I will do a separate post on the products and how I did them :) Comment below with any questions about specifics and I'll be sure to answer in my follow up post!

Go hug your Mama's!


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