Nursing School

Week 1 Update

8:00:00 PM

Happy hump day!
Well... we're three days into the semester and it already feels like three weeks.

But on a brighter note, this semester is already completely different than the last. I know that it will get hectic very soon, but so far so good. It seems like this semester will be much more manageable. Med-Surg on Monday, Psych on Tuesdays, and clinicals on Thursdays and Fridays. The first few weeks are abnormal with check offs and days spent in the skills lab, but hopefully in a few weeks I can have a pretty regular schedule. The only fear I currently have is my pass/fail check off next week. I don't know why these things scare my so much, but they do! This semester our check off is everything in regard to an IV and the insertion and removal of an NG tube. After that, it's clinicals each week.

I'm super excited about a few things this semester! First off, I think I will actually be able to have a little time for myself if I use my time wisely. That didn't exist last semester. And second, I'm extremely excited for my Psych rotation as well as going into surgery. I'm curious to see my reaction after going through both of them.

Some good news for the week... I passed my dosage exam with a 100% on Monday!

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to track my journey through nursing school. I know this probably bores 95% of you, but hopefully a few people see this and can relate.

Only 15 weeks left! :)

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